Application & Lottery Process
Any current Sheldon ISD 8th grade student may apply for Sheldon Early College High School for the 2024 - 2025 school year. Students are selected via a lottery. Students do not have to currently be enrolled in pre-AP classes. Please note, most ECHS classes will be pre-AP, AP, or college level courses. ECHS provides many avenues for support for students to transition into the ECHS environment. The number 1 predictor of success in ECHS is the student's level of academic dedication!
January 18th & 25th, 2024: ECHS staff visits with 8th grade students to provide information & applications at the middle school campuses
January 11th, 2024: Parent Information Night, 6:30 p.m. in the KHS Auditorium
Applications are available in the middle school counselor's office beginning January 12th, 2024. All applications are due to the middle school counselors no later than Friday, January 27th. at 4:00 p.m. In order to be considered for the lottery, applications must be complete, including the essay, student signatures, and parent signatures.
All students who apply will be notified of acceptance or placement on the waitlist in March.